Thursday, 25 September 2008

Women against Palin :P

Jo Christie-Smith has a post about Sarah Palin which is indicative of everything which is wrong with the left.

She claims to be uncomfortable with the sexism suffered by Palin, yet because Palin does not subscribe to the holy writ of the sisterhood, Christie-Smith dismisses her as a pseudo feminist and asserts that she is suffering from "false consciousness".

This line of attack gets it the wrong way round however. At risk of being eviscerated by the sisterhood for presuming to offer an opinion, it is women like Sarah Palin, who dare to differ, and who succeed through effort who are a positive, feminist, role model. Women like Christie-Smith who seem to believe that proper women would all toe the same line if they only knew what was good for them (after all, that is the underlying principle of the ridiculous "false consciousness" concept) who should be shunned.

The post also goes into the tired old inexperience shtick, conveniently as always forgetting that Obama has never run anything. For someone who claims to be against the sexism of others' attacks, the line
Or would the fact that she has been pulled in as a vapid symbol, lacking in
experience, knowledge and so lacking in any real comprehension of the
complexities of life that she looks for her answers in religious dogma?
seems inappropriate.

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