Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Serves him right.

There was a story on the local new the other night (Memphis not Brum) about a chap who had got fed up with his McCain Palin sign being removed so he wired it up to an electric fence. He had also set up a camera, and this had caught a child (carrying obama posters) come up, attempt to pull the sign down, get a shock and beat a retreat.

The little brat's mother claimed that her child knew better and wouldn't have done it, despite the photographic evidence to the contrary.

Two things struck me about this story.

Firstly, the disreputable lengths the left will go to, using children to engage in criminal acts.

Secondly, the chap's neighbours all seemed (much to the reporter's irritation) to be supporting him. It is pretty much a forgone conclusion that in britain he would be being criticised (and most likely prosecuted) for hurting the little bastard.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure this isnt just a problem with leftie children

Pete Wass said...

When I first started campaigning (Way back when Thatcher was winning elections,) the very first thing I was told was the importance of respecting people's property.

This child acted disgracefully, and his parents should be ashamed of themselves.