Monday 29 September 2008

I was right.

I try to remain open minded and to give people the benefit of the doubt, and despit my prejudices, I was determined to listen to Richard Dawkins with an open mind.

Positioned as I am to the sceptical side of agnosticism, I should really be a reasonable target for people like Dawkins, but he manages to get up my nose. I think it is the almost sneering sense of superiority he seems to revel in. The way in which he sees people of religious belief as being intellectually beneath him and his misguided (for I shall give him the benefit of the doubt) belief that his position is that of science, when any one with a healthy respect for science would admit that the god (should that be God?) question is unproven.

What really pissed me off however is when he said that it was wrong for religious belief to be respected when the same was not true for political belief.

I have always been firmly of the opinion that both political and religious beliefs should be respected. (Pisstaking of Mike Flower for his heretical papism notwithstanding). Even if we do not agree with a person's beliefs, the world would be a much better place if we at least respected them, indeed one of the most unpleasant things in the modern world is the way in which people seem to feel the need not just to win the argument, but to belittle and destroy those who disagree.

Dawkins however decreed (to a disappointingly large level of agreement from his auience) that religious belief was not worthy of respect, and for that he is a tosser.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I note that you admit that your negativity was not shared by the audience. We allowed 150 people into the room but a huge number could not get in. But, without question, the Party has turned a corner and is becoming much more cynical about religion. Socialism deserves no respect. Nor should religion.