Saturday, 23 August 2008

Biden it is.

So Barak Obama has confirmed the speculation and announced Joe Biden as his running mate.

Donal and Guido seem a little jubilant, and Iain Dale is certainly a bit dismissive, but I don't think this is as bad a move from Obama as the concensus on the right would suggest.

Biden's long service in the senate gives the inexperienced Obama the chance to say that he will have people around him who know the system, but he can maintain his change theme by reminding people that he is top of the ticket.

Obama's biggest weakness isn't that he is inexperienced and beholden to the moonbats, the media are doing a fine job of concealing and where it cannont be hidden mitigating that. Obama's problem is that every time he opens his mouth he seems completely detached from the culture of the american heartland. Talking about buying arugula from organic healthfood shops is spot on for San Fransisco, less so for Peoria. The comments about blue collar america clinging to god and guns is not the way to win their votes. Biden can be a windbag, and he has a history of saying unfortunate things (not least plagiarising neil Kinnock). He is however very good at presenting a blokey, average Joe, persona. This was a key part in Bush winning his elections, and for all his faults, Biden will be an asset to the ticket.

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