Friday, 8 August 2008

Random Cowardice.

Random House have announced that they will not be publishing "The Jewel of Medina" for fear that it might lead to violence.

The book tells the story of A'isha from her betrothal to Mohammed at the age of six until his death.

This decision amounts to a pre-emptive surrender to the thugs who try to restrict free speech.

The author of the book, Sherry Jones, is quoted as saying "I have deliberately and consciously written respectfully about Islam and Mohammed", yet it is inevitable that some of the extremists would have sought to stir up hatred and violence against it. Instead of surrendering to this however we should stand up to it. Every time these people succeed in shutting down free speech they will be emboldened in trying again.

One day, we may regret that we did not stand up for freedom of speech when we had the chance.

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